Social Media Policy

HomeSocial Media Policy


Social media are computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks. Some examples of social media but not limited to: Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, YouTube, personal blogs, discussion boards such as Whirlpool, Yahoo! Groups or Google Groups.

With the rapid development and use of social media, ACE recognises the need to have guidelines which address the RTO’s expectations for those who use social media, either as part of their job, study, association with the RTO or in a personal capacity.

ACE expects that all staff, students and associates who contribute to social media will do so with integrity, ethics and confidentiality in mind and will act responsibly in references to ACE in their social media and online activities.

ACE will strive to have open and honest dialogues with our readers. We will correct inaccurate or misleading postings in a timely manner.


ACE recognises that activities performed by employees and associates outside of the contracted work hours are personal, however in some instance’s activities undertaken in personal time have the ability to impact an employee’s job performance, on others, or pose a risk to the RTO’s reputation. This policy sets out guidelines to minimise such instances.

This policy does not apply to employees’ personal use of social media platforms where the employee makes no reference to work related issues. Use of social media should not interfere with an employee’s job performance and productivity. Only the Director or their nominee is authorised to represent the RTO in all branded social media instances.


1. Adhere to the Terms of Use of the particular social media platform
2. Adhere to privacy, copyright and other applicable laws when publishing on social media platforms
3. Only publicly available and correct information should be shared
4. Be mindful about the types of information shared and protect ACE’s students, clients, suppliers and other associates. These individuals and businesses should never be cited or referenced without their approval
5. Be careful about what personal information you share online
6. Seek ACE’s permission to share internal company information and conversations
7. Be polite and respectful of all individuals and communities
8. You should show proper consideration for others privacy and for topics that may be considered objectionable or inflammatory (like religion or politics)
9. Think about the consequences of your posts and responses
10. Correct inaccurate or misleading postings in a timely manner

1. Do not use any branded images or logo’s unless authorised to do so
2. Do not disclose any proprietary, non-public financial or operational information
3. Do not set up social media pages using ACE’s name or brand
4. Do not misrepresent yourself when participating in online communities
5. Never share other people’s personal information in social media
6. Do not publish, post, or release information that is considered confidential and or belongs to someone else
7. Do not use ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscenity, or engage in any conduct that would not be acceptable in the workplace
8. Do not post material that is obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, discriminatory or hateful to another person or entity
9. Refrain from posting items that contain crude or sexual humour and profanity
10. Do not use your public voice to trash or embarrass ACE, our students, clients or your co-workers
11. Students must not use our Facebook page or other social media to submit complaints or appeals. ACE offers a complaints & Appeals Policy and Procedure and offer informal or formal feedback processes
12. Employees or contractors must not use the RTO’s name to endorse or promote any opinion, product or cause

1. Comments and posts containing the following will be removed from the page:
a. infringements of copyright
b. ethnic slurs, personal insults, obscene or threatening language
c. defamatory, threatening, harassing, discriminatory or hateful comments
d. crude or sexual humour and profanity
e. information viewed as a conflict of interest may be removed from the page without notice
f. other comments or posts that ACE management deem to be inappropriate or offensive
g. crude or sexual humour and profanity

2. Spamming or trolling will be removed

If ACE deems content as offensive, demeaning or incorrect, then the content may be moderated and removed from our site. Any user posting inappropriate material will be blocked. Repeat violations may cause the user to be permanently banned.

ACE will intervene when an employee’s online actions are placing the RTO at legal risk, the employee is acting disloyally or threatening or harassing a student or co-worker. Employees will be disciplined for any violations of this policy.

Any queries in relation to the above policy, please call (02) 9734 4444 or email us at

Date of Origin July 2018 Version 2.2
Last Review Date July 2019 Authority ACE NURSE
Next Review Date July 2020 Responsibility CEO