Name of Organisation Website Phone # Email Client Needs Addressed
AA – Alcoholics Anonymous www.aa.org.au 1300 222 222 www.aa.org.au/contact-central-service-offices.php Clients who are/or have been affected by alcoholism
Australia.gov.au www.australia.gov.au Website Refer to Website Covers a broad range of assistive support including LLN
Adult Migrant English Program www.education.gov.au/adult-migrant-english-program-0 1300 566 046 www.education.gov.au/
Assisting clients who have migrated to Australia and require assistance with LLN
Beyond Blue www.beyondblue.org.au 1300 224 636 online.beyondblue.org.au
For clients who are experiencing anxiety and/or depression
Black Dog Institute www.blackdoginstitute.org.au (02) 9382 2991 www.blackdoginstitute.org
Depression and Bipolar Disorder Information Australia
NSW Community Help www.community.nsw.gov.au 1300 555 727 Refer to website For clients who are experiencing difficulties in the home, domestic violence, child abuse and neglect
CEDD – Eating Disorder Help Centre www.cedd.org.au Refer to website info@cedd.org.au To assist clients who are experiencing issues with eating disorders
Kids Helpline www.kidshelp.com.au 1800 551 800 Webchat or Email Available Online Services for assisting children or people who are concerned about a child
Just Ask Us! www.justaskus.org.au 03 8413 8413 www.turningpoint.org.au/
For clients who are concerned they may have a drug (incl. alcohol), emotional or mental health concern
Precision Consultancy www.precisionconsultancy
03 9606 0118 www.precisionconsultancy
Access to LLN assessment tasks that can be used for a variety of industries
Lifeline Australia www.lifeline.org.au 13 11 14 www.lifeline.org.au/Get-Help/Online-Services/crisis-chat Clients who may be in a crisis or at risk of suicide or know of someone at risk of suicide
The Reading Writing Hotline www.readingwritinghotline.edu
1300 655 506 rwhotline@det.nsw.edu.au If a client is having difficulty with reading, writing and numeracy
NA – Narcotics Anonymous www.na.org.au/index.php?lang=en 1300 652 820 info@na.org.au Clients who are/or have been affected by drugs
NSW Rape Crisis Centre www.nswrapecrisis.com.au 1800 424 017 www.nswrapecrisis.com.au
To assist clients, and their non-offending supporters, who have experience or are at risk of sexual assault
Workplace Bullying Helpline www.workershealth.com.au 02 4926 2129 newc.admin@workershealth.com
For clients who have been affected by bullying
Suicide Helpline www.suicideline.org.au 1300 651 251 Available on website For clients who may be contemplating suicide or don’t know how to help someone in their family who has been affected
Men’s Helpline Australia www.mensline.org.au 1300 789 9 78 For male clients who have male related health issues
Wesley Mission www.wesleymission.org.au (02) 9263 5555 Available on website Helping people with a wide range of issues affecting communities and individuals.
National Council for Single Mothers and their Children www.ncsmc.org.au (08) 8354 3856 ncsmc@ncsmc.org.au Single mothers who need assistance
Physical disability Australia www.pda.org.au (02) 6567 1500 Available on website For clients who require assistance with their physical disability
Deaf Australia Translating and Interpreting Service www.deafau.org.au (07) 3357 8266 Available on website For assisting the trainer who might require an interpreter for clients who are deaf or have hearing impairments
Salvo Care Line www.salvos.org.au/salvocareline 1300 363 6 22 Available on website For clients who require financial assistance or emergency care
Disability Advocacy Network Aust. www.nds.org.au (02) 6283 3200 nds@nds.org.au For clients who may require assistance with their disability
Vision Australia www.visionaustralia.org 1300 847 4 66 info@visionaustralia.org For clients who require assistance due to vision impairment
Community Migrant Resource Centre www.cmrc.com.au (02) 9687 9907 Available on website For clients who may need assistance for Migration support services
Family and Community Services Ageing, Disability and Home Care www.adhc.nsw.gov.au (02) 9377 6000 servicembx@facs.nsw.gov.au Support for family, ageing, disability or home care
Job Access www.jobaccess.gov.au 1800 464 800 hotline@workfocus.com Driving Disability Employment through a variety of support services
Department of health/Mental health www.health.gov.au (02) 6289 1555 Available on website Support for students who are affected by health or mental health issues